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Discharge Criteria

It is the policy of The Lighthouse that discharge planning is addressed by the client's interdisciplinary treatment team. Clients' will be discharged from rehabilitation when one or more of the following criteria are met; discharges are defined as such:


1. Successful Discharge:

  • The Resident has received maximum benefit from the program.

  • The client has been evaluated by the treatment team and it has been determined that the individual no longer requires residential services due to the completion of treatment goals or by consensus of the team that goals will not be achieved in this program.

  • The resident has improved to a level that allows discharge to a different environment, supervised or non-supervised


2. Discharge with subsequent transfer:

  • The individual has been evaluated by the treatment team and determined to require more intensive care in a different setting such as a psychiatric hospital or the individual, responsible party or other stakeholders have determined transfer to a different treatment facility is needed due to client choice or financial limitations.


3. Discharge against Medical Advice (AMA):

  • A client or their responsible party wishes to discharge the client from services against the advice of the treatment team and without adequate discharge planning. The client and/or the legal guardian acknowledge that they are leaving the program AMA and are aware of the potential adverse consequences. The individual then advises the home manager or designee of their intent for the AMA discharge. Lighthouse will provide the appropriate AMA discharge forms, and assist with packing of the resident’s belongings. The Lighthouse does not provide medications for AMA discharges. This decision may be modified by management. A record of any known medical appointments which are pending will be provided for the resident and/or guardian.


4. Unsuccessful Discharge:

  • The resident experiences a major medical or psychological problem that excludes resident benefits from a continued intensive rehabilitation program.

  • The resident has not successfully attained treatment goals and the client or guardians were non-compliant with agency policies or treatment team recommendations.

  • The resident’s ability to tolerate the program is modified, a different setting is needed.

  • The resident and/ or their support system are no longer confident in the program.

  • The overall goal of the person’s program has changed so that residential program is no longer the best use of a person’s resources. 5. The Clinical Director will annually review the discharge criteria for appropriateness.


In addition the Clinical Director will revise the discharge criteria in accordance with the mission and philosophy of the Lighthouse Inc. program as needed. Individuals who are diagnosed with a spinal cord injury will be assessed for specific discharge needs related to their level of injury and completeness of spinal cord dysfunction.


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