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carf accreditation

Carf Accredited Since 1989

What is CARF?


Founded in 1966, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) is a private, not-for-profit organization that promotes quality rehabilitation services. It does this by establishing standards of quality for organizations to use as guidelines in developing and offering their programs or services to consumers. CARF uses the standards to determine how well an organization is serving its consumers and how it can improve.

The CARF standards are developed with input from consumers, rehabilitation professionals, state and national organizations, and funders. Every year the standards are reviewed and new ones are developed to keep pace with changing conditions and current consumer needs.


Our History With CARF

  • CARF Accredited since 1989

  • Consistently achieved their highest possible standard and rating of 3 year approval

  • All our programs and locations meet or exceed CARF standards. This accreditation ensures that we meet the criteria with specializing in brain injury & spinal cord injury and all disciplines of therapy and programs offered



To learn more about CARF, visit their website .

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